Organic Spinach and Avocado Smoothie

Organic spinach and avocado smoothie next to half an avocado
3 min reading time

Start your day off with our Organic Spinach and Avocado Smoothie, a blend that will give you the energy boost you need. This green elixir combines the freshness of leafy greens with the richness of avocado for an satisfying drink.

Loaded with vitamins, minerals and healthy fats, this smoothie is the choice for a morning pick-me-up or workout refuel. We use organic ingredients to ensure purity and nutrient density, steering clear of pesticides and chemicals. Treat yourself to this goddess smoothie for a healthier you!

Organic Spinach and Avocado Smoothie

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Servings: 2 (16 oz each)


2 cups of organic baby spinach
1 avocado (peeled and pitted)
1 frozen organic banana
A cup of unsweetened organic almond milk
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
Juice from half an organic lemon
1 tablespoon of hemp hearts
Optional: 1 teaspoon of spirulina powder
1 cup of ice cubes
Optional: 1 tablespoon of raw honey for added sweetness


  1. Mix all the listed ingredients in a high-speed blender as per the order mentioned.
  2. Blend on high speed for 60-90 seconds until the mixture turns smooth and creamy.
  3. If the smoothie seems too thick, add a bit of almond milk and blend again.
  4. Taste it. Adjust the sweetness by adding honey to your liking.
  5. Pour the smoothie into glasses. Serve right away.
  6. For an extra touch, you can decorate with a sprinkle of hemp hearts or a small spinach leaf.

The Organic Spinach and Avocado Smoothie goes beyond being a meal or snack – it’s a nutritional powerhouse crafted to nourish your body inside and out.

Spinach offers a range of vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C that support bone health to immune system function. Besides lending creaminess, avocado brings heart monounsaturated fats and fiber that aid in feeling full while maintaining cholesterol levels.

With added chia seeds and hemp hearts, we’ve upped the protein and omega 3 fatty acids content making this smoothie a well-rounded meal alternative if required. The optional spirulina boosts mineral levels with B vitamins and iron for enhancing natural energy levels for those seeking it.

Opting for organic ingredients helps you steer clear of pesticides and enhances the nutritional value of each element. This smoothie offers a way to up your fruit and veggie intake proving that eating healthily can be convenient and enjoyable.

Whether you aim to boost your energy levels, aid in weight management or simply savor an satisfying beverage, this Organic Spinach and Avocado Smoothie has got you covered. Incorporate it into your wellness routine and witness a surge in energy levels and overall well[being.

Here’s to your health – cheers to drinking up and feeling the impact that wholesome green nutrition can bring into your life!

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