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About me
I’m Sonia

What started as a personal endeavor to protect my loved ones from the dangers of processed foods has now evolved into a commitment to share my findings with the widest audience possible. As the negative result of eating unhealthy, processed foods continues to grow, I believe that it is crucial to equip you with the information you need to make informed choices about your diet and lifestyle. Through My Nutrition Foods, I hope to to empower you to take control of your health and well-being. Information equips us with strength!

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Celebrity Healthy Eating Quotes to Motivate Your Wellness Journey

“Let food be thy medicine.”
“The greatest wealth is health.”
“Good food is good mood.”
“Eat right, feel amazing.”
“Healthy eating, healthy life.”
“Nourish your body, feed your soul.”
“Invest in your health, you’ll never regret it.”
“Healthy food, healthy mind, healthy body.”
“Eat clean, train mean, get lean.”
“Fuel your body with the best, forget the rest.”
“Healthy habits, healthy life.”
“You are what you eat, so eat wisely.”
“Nourish yourself with good food and positive thoughts.”
“Eat well, live well, be well.”
“Healthy eating is a form of self-respect.”

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