Best Spiralizers: Top Picks for Perfect Veggie Noodles

Best spiralizers with different vegetables on a board
11 min reading time

In a world gravitating towards healthier eating habits, spiralizers have become a must-have kitchen gadget for creative cooks and health enthusiasts alike. These nifty tools transform fruits and vegetables into spirals, noodles, or ribbons, making it effortless to incorporate more vegetables into meals while also presenting them in a visually appealing way. Whether you are looking to whip up a quick zucchini noodle dish, an elaborate carrot garnish, or simply looking to reduce carbohydrate intake with vegetable alternatives to pasta, spiralizers offer a versatile solution.

The market is brimming with various styles of spiralizers, from handheld models ideal for smaller tasks to countertop variants that boast greater stability and multiple blade options for different cut styles. While manual spiralizers rely on hand-cranking, there are also electric models that can handle tougher vegetables with ease. This makes spiralizers an accommodating tool for anyone looking to diversify their culinary repertoire with ease and efficiency.

When contemplating the purchase of a spiralizer, it’s crucial to consider blade options and versatility, the sturdiness of construction, ease of use and cleaning, as well as the amount of space it takes up in your kitchen. For those who plan on using it regularly, investing in a model with a variety of blade shapes and sizes ensures a wide array of cuts, enhancing the versatility of your kitchen prep. Additionally, models that are easy to clean and disassemble can save time and reduce hassle, making the overall experience with the gadget a positive one.

We have dedicated hours of rigorous testing and comparison to find the top spiralizers on the market, focusing on durability, efficiency, and ease of use, to help our readers make an informed decision. Our aim is to identify the ones that not only simplify the incorporation of more fruits and vegetables into your diet but also inspire a more playful way of preparing them.

Top Spiralizers to Transform Your Cooking

We’ve researched extensively to bring you a selection of the finest spiralizers on the market. These clever kitchen gadgets make it easy to turn fruits and vegetables into noodles, spirals, and ribbons, adding a new twist to your meals. Whether you are looking to increase your vegetable intake, experiment with new recipes, or simply make meal prep more efficient, our roundup includes options that will suit various needs and preferences.

Brieftons Spiralizer

We think you should consider this spiralizer for turning your veggies into exciting noodles and spirals effortlessly and with style.


  • Effortlessly handles tough veggies with its sturdy build
  • Comprehensive bundle with 5 sharp Japanese blades
  • Suction pad provides a non-slip advantage during use


  • Suction might not work well on all surfaces
  • Manual operation requires some physical effort
  • Cleaning the blades requires careful handling to avoid injuries

When we took the Brieftons spiralizer for a spin, it was evident from the get-go how strong the build was – it tackled a butternut squash like a champ. The blades are seriously sharp, making quick work of even the toughest veggies we threw at it.

Its footing is as solid as can be; that supersized suction pad didn’t budge, which adds confidence while spiraling. We appreciated how this little champ stayed put, giving us uninterrupted spiraling action.

Cleaning up was a thoughtful process; it’s all easy-does-it when maneuvering around those sharp blades. And with everything dishwasher safe, our cleanup was more streamlined than we’ve experienced with other kitchen gadgets.

Veggetti Veggie Slicer

We think the Veggetti is a wise choice for health-conscious cooks craving the convenience of turning vegetables into noodles.


  • Easily creates healthy pasta alternatives
  • Features two blade options for varied noodle thickness
  • Compact and easy to store


  • Not dishwasher safe; requires hand washing
  • May struggle with harder vegetables
  • No container to catch the noodles

After giving the Veggetti a whirl, our takeway was clear: it’s a boon for quick and healthy meals. Creating zucchini noodles was as simple as twisting, which allows me to add more vegetables to meals with minimal effort. The dual-blade design impressed me, thick strands on one end and thin on the other meant I could switch from a hearty feel to a lighter touch just by flipping the device.

That being said, the absence of a built-in container meant I had to be strategic about where the noodles landed. Also, when I tackled a batch of harder veggies, like carrots and sweet potatoes, I had to apply a good deal of pressure. It worked, but I felt it’s something users should be aware of.

Given that the Veggetti isn’t dishwasher safe, cleanup took a bit more time, but it was straightforward. The blades are sharp, so care is needed when washing by hand. Overall, for those of us who don’t mind a little manual work in exchange for a simple and effective tool, it’s a great kitchen accessory to have.

Fullstar 4-in-1 Spiralizer

We think this tool is a kitchen must-have for those seeking healthy and efficient cooking.


  • Effortlessly compact and simple to clean
  • Offers 4 different cut styles with ease
  • Comes with a convenient container for immediate storage


  • Not suited for larger vegetables
  • Manual operation requires some effort
  • Blades may need careful handling to avoid injury

If you’re venturing into the world of vegetable noodles, this Fullstar spiralizer makes it a breeze. Its small size means it won’t hog counter space, and you can stash it almost anywhere. We’ve found that its complete disassembly feature simplifies clean-up, with every part being a good fit for the dishwasher.

The functionality this gadget brings to the table is commendable. Our experience with turning zucchini into healthy noodles was nothing short of delightful. A few gentle pushes and you’ve got yourself a plate of veggie goodness. The convenience of having multiple slicing options housed within one tool is a real space and time saver.

We appreciate the thoughtful design of the included container, which captures the spirals neatly. Say goodbye to messy countertops and hello to storing spirals for later with just a quick snap of the lid. When using the non-slip fingerguard, we felt secure, focusing on spiralizing without the distraction of potential nicks or cuts. Remember to grip firmly to maximise yield and minimise waste. With this versatile kitchen helper, we find ourselves choosing veggies over pasta more often, keeping meals fresh and exciting.

MOOREDLIFE 4-in-1 Spiralizer

If you’re in the market for a kitchen tool that turns vegetables into healthy, creative meals with ease, this is a solid choice.


  • Quickly turns veggies into fettuccine and spaghetti shapes
  • Clean-up is simple due to its dishwasher-safe design
  • Safety features such as a non-slip fingerguard are included


  • May require significant wrist strength for continuous use
  • Its small size might be challenging for those with larger hands
  • Limited to vegetables that can fit its compact size

Using the MOOREDLIFE spiralizer, we noticed its strong performance with a variety of vegetables, effortlessly creating zoodles that could fool anybody into thinking they were eating pasta. We found it especially effective with zucchini and cucumbers, enabling us to whip up a nutritious meal in no time.

Its compact size impressed us as it meant we could tuck it away in any drawer without it crowding the kitchen. However, we caution that individuals with bigger hands might find its petite frame a bit fiddly to manage.

Clean-up was a breeze, as promised. We appreciated being able to disassemble the spiralizer and pop the parts right into the dishwasher, saving us time and hassle. While safety is often a concern with blade-based kitchen tools, the included fingerguard offered us peace of mind during use, ensuring that we could spiralize with confidence.

Hamilton Beach Spiralizer

If you’re aiming to infuse your meals with a creative twist of healthy veggies, this tool should be a go-to in your kitchen arsenal.


  • Quickly creates a variety of vegetable noodles, appealing to both the eye and palate.
  • Generous capacity for preparing family-sized meals without multiple batches.
  • Operation is straightforward, saving time with no manual spiralizing hassle.


  • Bulky design may demand considerable storage space.
  • Cleaning the intricate parts can sometimes be challenging.
  • Vegetable shapes and sizes may affect the end-product consistency.

Using the Hamilton Beach Spiralizer feels like bringing restaurant-level presentation to our home cooking. It effortlessly turns vegetables into attractive spirals and ribbons, making both prep work and the meal itself more enjoyable. The electric motor means there’s no need for manual labor – just fit the vegetable and watch it transform. This convenience is a clear highlight, especially on busy weeknights.

The ample six-cup capacity has proven more than adequate when we’re hosting dinner parties or simply prepping meals for the week. Despite its larger size, it doesn’t dominate the kitchen counter, and its black color blends with most kitchen decor. Having the option to make everything from zucchini noodles to curly fries is quite the treat.

That said, the device isn’t without its downsides. We notice it can be a bit of a bulky item to store, which might not be ideal for smaller kitchens. And while most parts are dishwasher-safe – a time-saver for sure – there are times when small food pieces get caught, and we need to resort to using the provided cleaning brush. We’ve also learned that not all vegetables spiralize with the same consistency – it works best with firmer veggies, while softer ones can be tricky.

Overall, this spiralizer from Hamilton Beach has become a valued tool in our kitchen for making quick, healthy, and visually appealing dishes.

Buying Guide

Assessing Your Needs

First, we should evaluate our reasons for purchasing a spiralizer. Is it for occasional use or more frequent meal preps? The frequency of use will guide us toward either a basic model for sporadic needs or a sturdier option for frequent use.

Types of Spiralizers

There are primarily two types: handheld and countertop.

  • Handheld Spiralizers: Compact and easy to store, suitable for small kitchens.
  • Countertop Spiralizers: More robust, offering greater stability and usually more cutting options.

Key Features to Look For

FeatureWhy It’s Important
Blade VarietyMore blades allow for a variety of cuts and shapes.
Blade MaterialStainless steel blades remain sharp and are durable.
Ease of UseSimple assembly and operation save time and reduce frustration.
CleaningRemovable parts should be dishwasher-safe for easy cleanup.
StorageBuilt-in storage compartments for blades keep them safe and accessible.

Stability and Durability

Heavier models tend to be more stable while in use. We should look for non-slip feet or suction cups to prevent movement during operation.


Models with ergonomic handles reduce strain on our hands, especially important if we plan to spiralize in large batches.


We must consider the length and coverage of the warranty which gives us an indication of the product’s quality and the manufacturer’s confidence in their product.

By considering these aspects, we can select a spiralizer that fits our needs and stands the test of time.

Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to enhancing our culinary experience with vegetables, a spiralizer can be a game changer. We’re here to answer the most common questions to help you make an informed decision.

What are the advantages of owning a vegetable spiralizer?

Owning a vegetable spiralizer allows us to turn vegetables into noodles, offering a healthy alternative to pasta. It’s an excellent way to incorporate more veggies into our diet and add visual appeal to dishes.

How do you choose the best blade type for your spiralizer?

To choose the best blade for your spiralizer, consider the produce you’ll be using and the desired shape of your noodles. Blades vary from fine to coarse and are used for different textures and vegetable types.

America’s Test Kitchen recommends models like the Paderno World Cuisine Spiralizer and the OXO Good Grips 3-Blade Spiralizer for their durability and performance.

What factors should be considered when purchasing a spiralizer for zucchini noodles?

When purchasing a spiralizer for zucchini noodles, we should consider blade sharpness, ease of use, stability, and the ability to accommodate the size and shape of the zucchini.

How do electric spiralizers compare to manual ones?

Electric spiralizers offer more power and speed, making them ideal for large batches or harder vegetables. Manual spiralizers require more physical effort but are typically more affordable and easier to clean.

What makes a spiralizer model stand out according to consumer reports?

A spiralizer model stands out if it’s easy to use, has a variety of blade options, is sturdy during use, easy to clean, and consistently produces uniform veggie noodles, as per consumer reports.

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